theprintspace are proud to announce the first ever solo exhibition for the award-winning painter and illustrator Miss Led, entitled ‘Intimate’, which also marks theprintspace’s second collaboration with Miss Led.
‘Intimate’ : Miss Led’s first solo show at theprintspace!
Save The Date! – 11 December 2014
For her first solo exhibition, London artist and illustrator Joanna Henly – known as Miss Led – explores a key inspiration behind her work with range of emotionally rich and expressive large-scale mixed-media paintings and in her unique style, the gallery space itself will become a part of Miss Led’s canvas with a painted wall installation.
Check out the Facebook event here!
Her paintings will be available to buy through thehub, theprintspace’s new cloud-based application that enables artists to revolutionise the way they sell their work online. View Miss Led’s gallery and purchase her work here:

“Conceptually, the show is really about personal space; how we inhabit it and the ways we engage with it. I have a personal connection with all the creative women in this show — everyone is physically and emotionally striking, courageous and completely unique.
The exhibition title also relates to the installation accompanying the portraiture: a large-scale painting across the walls of the gallery in which figures interact with interior motifs and organic shapes. I hoped to touch on home life, emotional space and our physical environment.
I wanted to represent ways of expressing and projecting ourselves, personally and publicly – be this through fashion, skin adornment, posture, gaze or attitude.”

The show will be launching on the 11th December 2014 and will run until the 24th December 2014, 9am – 7pm Mon – Fri at theprintspace, located at 74 Kingsland Road, Hoxton, E2 8DL