How automatic fulfilment works
For all website integrations (Shopify, Squarespace, WIX, Etsy, WooComerce), we automatically fulfil sales you make in your store for products connected with creativehub. You do not need to request fulfilment or place the order separentley with us via creativehub.
We pull your orders from your store into creativehub once a day between midnight – 2am UK time. This means that if you make 10 sales on May 2nd, all 10 orders will be sent to our production system after midnight of May 2nd and show in your creativehub account on May 3rd. This means you are charged a single debit for fulfilment rather than multiple debits.
Once we receive your order we will produce and ship the order within 2-5 business days. Details of tracking updates can be found in this article.
Shopify’s request fulfilment button
Shopify orders are automatically fulfilled as stated above. However, if you view your Shopify order prior to us automatically updating it as ‘fulfilled’ once the order is shipped, you will see a ‘request fulfilment’ button. You do not need to push this button in order for us to receive the order, however if you push the request fulfilment button we will accept the request and the order will be fulfilled as stated above. Here is how this button looks: