Created in 2007, theprintspace was the first online fine art-quality printing company in the UK. We took a big step to democratising the art industry for up and coming artists, by reducing the cost of producing a mid-sized exhibition from around £5-10k to around £1k. We did this by publishing the print profiles of the professional printing machines, and a guide on how to create a colour management process at home (screen calibration, neutral colour walls, installing profiles and soft proofing in photoshop etc.). Once a user had followed this process it meant that they could set up the print themselves, and they would not have to try to explain to us how to do it, which made it faster and way cheaper.
15 years later, this process is still the same and has been adopted by the rest of the industry. Since then we have added drop shipping services to help you with selling your art online, we have global production facilities to reduce courier costs and time to deliver your prints, and we have become carbon neutral.
The software we have built to process your orders, store your files and plug into your webstores for the drop shipping automation is called creativehub.