When you make a sale in your store, we import the details and create a fulfilment order in your creativehub account the following day.
We are not set up for automatic order cancellations through your store. This means if you cancel an order in your store we will still import the order details and proceed with fulfilment. In the case of Shopify, there is a button to request a cancelation. If this request cancelation button is requested this will be rejected.

If you wish to cancel an order you must contact us immediately to request this. If your cancelation request reaches us prior to the order being printed we will be able to cancel the order. If your cancelation request reaches us after the order has been printed we cannot refund the fulfilment costs, but we will be happy to arrange a change of shipment address to you the seller so that your customer does not receive the order.
Contact us via telephone, email or live chat. Click here for details