When importing art print products to your website you get a popup asking what product details you would like us to import with your product/variants.

These are the 4 import options:
- Product variants – the paper type, size and edition settings applied to the product/variant in the sales settings. This cannot be unchecked.
- Variant prices – the price applied to the product variants in the sales settings. If this box is checked, we will import the price you have saved in creativehub. If this is unchecked, we will not import the price. However, if it is the first import of that product/variant, we will import the price.
- Add to shipping profile (Shopify/WooCommerce only) – this product will be assigned to your shipping profile. More on this here
- Product images – the main image (the one that gets printed) and the scaling preview images (preview on an interior wall). If this is unchecked, and it is the first import, then only the main product image will be imported to the website.
Each time you initiate an import, all the checkboxes are checked by default. You can uncheck any information that you do not want to be overwritten on the website.
The reason we give you the ability to uncheck import options is so that you can import variant updates to size/paper/editions without overwriting the product details on your website. Learn more about importing creativehub products to your website.