creativehub has partnered up with Loupe Magazine for the Another Graduate Show Open Call, promoting young artists with a fully funded group show!

The Another Graduate Show Open Call gives students and recent graduates worldwide the opportunity to have their work printed by theprintspace and exhibited at the Brick Lane Gallery, free of charge. Submissions are open to anyone studying for qualifications prior to university, non-photographic courses and those who have graduated within the last two years.

Photographers working in any genre and format are welcome to submit up to 12 strong individual images or a coherent series through the creativehub FOR FREE! For details on how to submit via creativehub click here.

Up to 10 winning photographers will not only be exhibited but will also receive the opportunity to sell their work through the Another Graduate Show online print store, using the creativehub art sales solution to fulfil orders and ship directly to the customers with 0% commission.

Are you ready to have your work seen by an expert panel of judges, win a free exhibition and the opportunity to sell your work? Click the link below to submit your images for free before Sunday the 19th of May.